Max’s Recap Masterchef S5x04


The thrilling episode starts with the remaining 18 cooks walking into the Masterchef Kitchen. Gordon says that Little Gordon is ill and has to leave the competition. Everyone looks sad, but know it must be for the best. 😦


It’s time for the next Mystery Box and inside the cooks find … live sea food!mc54ls

During the cook time Ahran tells Joe that she believes the judges are favoring Courtney, but he disagrees telling her Courtney a great cook.

Meanwhile, Kira is freaked out because the seafood is moving when she tries to pick it up. She has never cooked live sea animals before! On the other hand, Christian is very familiar with fresh seafood and is handling it all very well.mc54kr

Time is up.

The first best dish belongs to Francis B. who made Spicy Seafood Broth. The judges say it looks stunning, everything is seasoned well and cooked perfectly. The next dish belongs to Ahran. She made Spicy Seafood Stew. Her dish also looks amazing and tastes great. And the last best dish belongs to Christian who made a very tasty Creole BBQ Shrimp. The judges love it and say his dish is spot on. And the winner of the Mystery Box Challenge is … Ahran!

She is safe from the elimination round and gets to pick what baked goods her competitors will have to cook next: Muffins, Cookies or Donuts. She decides the home cooks will have to make a dozen donuts because they are technically difficult to perfect.

During the cook time Courtney realizes she needs to start her dough over and will need more yeast. At first it seems no one has any extra yeast they are willing to share, but finally Francis L. gives her some of his. 🙂

Francis B.’s donut dough doesn’t rise so he goes to plan B and makes Donut Holes instead. And because Kira forgot to melt the shortening her donuts they will probably not taste right. Once again, time is up. The judges tell Ahran she now gets to save one of the cooks before they start the tasting. She saves Francis B. she says, because she thinks she can beat him later.

Courtney’s donuts look very good but when Gordon takes a bite he spits it out! In all her upset to find more yeast she accidently put salt in place of sugar and it made her donuts too firm.

Ahran and Elizabeth share smug smiles with each other at her mistake. 😦 mc54he

Leslie’s donuts have a great topping, look stunning and taste absolutely yummy. mc54ms

Kira’s donuts somehow lost the filling and they are more like Kaiser Rolls! Victoria’s donuts are nice and light. Christine’s donuts are uneven, but taste good. Daniel’s donuts are also very good. Francis L., who amazingly managed to make twelve different flavored donuts, did a great job. The judges are surprised and say they are nice and sweet. But, Cutter’s donuts are uneven and have lost their filling. Worst of all, they just taste bad.

Ultimately, the judges decide that Leslie and Francis L. have made the best donuts and Kira, Cutter & Courtney have made the three worst.mc54wd

Ultimately, Cutter is safe and the cook going home is … Kira. Which means Courtney is safe to cook another day.

Now 17 looks left.

I liked this episode because I liked to see the home cooks cook one of my favorite’s foods – Donuts. Duncan Donuts Vanilla Frosted to be exact! 🙂

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